Countdown to my 3 years old Birthday


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

JinYu is taking Appeton


Believe it or not. JinYu is taking Appeton. Not to say this will give appetite to him but it is actually a supplimentary of Vitamins and only to take 1ml a day.....

This was
recommended by a kiddy specialist in Sri Petaling. According to him, JinYu is never underweight just that he isn't those chubby baby. As long his is health and active then he is doing well.

Even though after the doc's advise. JinYu's mommy is still worried about the little one.

(*Appeton Multivitamin Plus Infant Drops is a complimentary health preparation for growing age. It contains Vitamin B1, B2, B6 that are regarded as metabolic catalysis from the biochemical point of view today. They are necessary for the normal processes in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolisms. The presence of Vitamin C helps to prevent the occurrence of scurvy (sore gums and teeth) and increase body resistance to infection. The fat-soluble Vitamin A and D3 ensure good eyesight and maintenance of proper level of calcium in body fluids. The latter ensure healthy growth of bones and teeth. Vitamin B12 is essential for cell formation especially red cells and they are vital in prevention of certain forms of anaemia. Vitamin E is for proper cell function. Nicotinamide is for normal skin condition and nervous system. Taurine and Lysine helps to promote healthy growth.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came across this site trying to research Appeton with Lysine which my 4 yrs daughter is taking right now. She barely eats before, no matter what kind of punishment and/or rewards. The doctors in the US seems to ignore it since she has no health problem. But we as parents know how much our child intake, therefore, we would do anything to see them eat healthy. Since this product has help her eat regularly, I'm still concern about any affects.
