Countdown to my 3 years old Birthday


Friday, August 31, 2007

Merdeka! Merdeka! Happy Birthday to Malaysia

Merdeka! Happy 50th Merdeka, Malaysia

We head towards to Marmalade @ Bangsar Village II for our brunch.
It's another place that is children friendly. The food is also good and healthier.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Baby Gap

Thank you Aunty Katherine for the Body Suit by Baby Gap

My Kangaroo Suit

My Kangaroo Suit from Australia
Thank You 4 Sok Po & 4 Sok Gong (Grand 4th Aunty & Uncle)

Do I look cute?....Can't wait to wear it again

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shopping At 1U

My Family Day with Mommy at Jack's Place @ 1U and of course Daddy..he is the camera man of the day.

Friday, August 24, 2007

When will i know whether my baby is a righty or a lefty

Baby's preference for her/his right or left hand may start to appear as early as 6 to 9 months of age. Even so, we won't be able to determine true right- or left-handedness until your child is 2 or 3 years old, when she/he will begin to favor the same hand consistently. And some children may be ambidextrous (using both hands equally) until they're 5 or 6, when they finally make a choice.

Hand dominance is greatly influenced by genetics. If both you and your partner are left-handed, your child has a 45 to 50 percent chance of being left-handed as well. About 10 percent of people are left-handed.If you're curious about which side is going to become dominant in your baby, try offering her a tempting toy. If she's started to develop a dominant hand, she's more likely to use that one to reach for it. If your baby seems to be using one hand exclusively before she's 18 months old, however, talk to your pediatrician, as early hand dominance may be a sign of motor development problems.

As you watch your baby's motor skills develop, remember that it's not a good idea to attempt to influence her hand preference. While genetics alone don't entirely explain why someone ends up right-or left-handed, hardwiring of your child's nervous system is at least part of the reason. Forcing her to use her right hand when she's really a lefty is unlikely to work in the long run and will only confuse or frustrate her along the way.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My 1st Manchester United Jersey

JinYu: Thank You Aunty Rachel & Uncle Bradley for the MU Jersey.

Friday, August 17, 2007

JinYu At NicLeeSher

After JinYu's checkup in the afternoon, we head towards NicLeeSher of his Kai Ma's (God Mother). While waiting for Mei Ling to choose her i decided to put this little fella on the stacks of chiffons and silks and he seems to like it so much...maybe because of the vibrant color. Babies definitely are attracted to colorful things.

UWA - Under Weight Again

Today is JinYu's checkup at Sunway Medical Center and also to get his so called last jabs until the next jab will be when he is one year old.

And as we predicted he is still underweight. Believe or not..his weight is only 5.9 kg and the doc advised is at least 6 kg would be more appropriate. So here we go again...worrying on how to get this little fella to gain some weights.

Actually we are already feeding him on solid foods from Gerber, Heinze, Nestle and Farley's Rusk. He seems to have more appetite on solid food than his Enfalac A+. As long he is eating this stuffs, we are more relief.

Well, since he dislike taking Enfalac A+, so the nurse actually recommended us Promil Gold to give it a try whether JinYu likes it or not. We just have to try it out...running out of ideas to get him sticking the bottle of milk inside his mouth.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

JinYu's Potty Training

Look that's me with my potty

This little fella is now going through a potty training. Trained by his grandma. Before that he has been going for potty practicing since he was 2 months old. Believe it or not!? of course with some background effects like mmmmmmmmmm or shhhhshhhhhhh!!(sorry for being so disgusting eh) Not all the time but sometimes he really do his pee or poo poo when the potty is there.

But now whenever he wants to do his poo poo....he will have this expression on his face...definitely 100% he is about to do his poo poo.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

JinYu grab things into his mouth.....

In the mid of teething, JinYu's definitely feeling the itchiness in his gums. Grabbing whatever he manage to and.....Look! even his fingers he is putting it into mouth. Such a naughty boy...isn't he?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

JinYu is Teething

Lately JinYu is avoiding drinking his milk, been crying every night before he goes to sleep, and i believe i can actually fetch a glass filled with his saliva....he is been like changing his bib, handkerchief and also his cloths sometimes. Look at his bibs...we got him..and there is plenty more...wait till i post his handkerchief....(both his grandmama bought for him)

It been a long long 3 weeks that he has been so cranky.

Finally we know that he is now in the mid of teething. There is no set of pattern on when it begins or how long it will take and also how painful it will be. Believe that is really going through a long, drawn out and painful experience. Imagine we tried so many ways to just make this little fella cheerful...seeing him crying out loud..really makes our heart ache and mommy was so worried no matter how you cuddle him, carry him around, listen to music..

Mommy can make him better by cleaning the gums using a cotton bud or a piece of clean gauze after every feeding either breast feeding or on formula milked. To clean the leftover of milk and it also can be a gum massage for the little fella to lesser the pain.

There is a website stated that giving cold water replenish baby's fluid or maybe using cold chilled applesauce, yogurt and pureed peaches. No Idea where this works or not but we still have to try just to make our baby to be more comfortable without the pain he/she is going through.


Here are some teething signs and symptoms;

In a study published in Pediatrics, researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation followed 125 children from their 3-month checkup through their first birthday. They found that during teething, there was a notable increase in:

  • biting

  • drooling

  • gum rubbing

  • sucking

  • irritability

  • wakefulness

  • ear rubbing

  • facial rash

  • decreased appetite

  • mild temperature

No one knows why teething babies produce all that saliva, says Dr. Hanna, but the theory is that the increase of muscle movement in the mouth during this teething period simulates chewing, which activates the salivary glands. (The excess drooling can in turn cause a rash around the mouth.) Biting and gum rubbing are the baby's efforts to relieve pressure in his gums.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

TOY "R" US is on SALE

Monday, August 6, 2007

My Little JinYu is now 5 Months Old

JinYu is now exactly 5 months old

Now is getting more and more mischiveous..making all sort of funny blinking one of his eye, lips suckling, playing with his tongue...removing his mittens from his hands..doing the flip over on his bed, his rocking chair, stroller and also when you are carrying him. He is quite a busy body also when someone else is talking...he will keep looking at the person.

And my worst nightmare....every 8.30 pm he will start to cry....just don't know what this little fella wants. Not his milk, not carrying, not sleeping just that he will cry out loud making everyone in the house cracking their head how to cheer this little fella up.

If you mommies or daddies have any idea to handle this type of situation, please do let me know how. Cheers

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Shopping @ 1 U......

Sunday...Family Day

That is me....look like i'm heading for the beachside......don't i look like a beach boy?!?...

That's dad in the middle and my mom on the right

mom & dad!!! where is mama and yeh yeh wanna let them see me on the Ferrari


Yeh Yeh...I think I can manage it myself....I'll show you that i can hold the bottle myself...thanks

Cap: Babies Hallmark
Shirt: Baby Gap
Pants: Baby Poney
Socks : Baby Gap

Saturday, August 4, 2007

My trip to Tan Sue-Ann's house........

That's me calling Sue-Ann...she sure is a sleeping beauty...
(10 mins later) I still calling her to wake up..
(Another 10 mins pass) Finally wake up...

And that is Aunty Rachel carrying me and Mommy carrying Sue-Ann
This mommy keep praising Sue-Ann..(pretty gal pretty gal)....Lucky I still have Aunty Rachel to sayang me.

Mommy! Daddy! When is my next visit to Sue-Ann's house...thought of bringing Sue-Ann go kai kai on our are stroller driver...with Uncle Bradley ah...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

JinYu welcome Little Brother....Titus

Welcome aboard...Titus. Hope one day i'll get to see you..Maybe a gathering for little piggies year 2007 from JinYu

Congratulations! Chia Mei Ling & your husband. Welcome aboard to parenthood.
From Wai Loon & Mei Ling

JinYu welcome Little Brother....Titus

Welcome aboard...Titus. Hope one day i'll get to see you..Maybe a gathering for little piggies year 2007 from JinYu

Congratulations! Chia Mei Ling & your husband. Welcome aboard to parenthood.
From Wai Loon & Mei Ling