Countdown to my 3 years old Birthday


Friday, August 17, 2007

UWA - Under Weight Again

Today is JinYu's checkup at Sunway Medical Center and also to get his so called last jabs until the next jab will be when he is one year old.

And as we predicted he is still underweight. Believe or not..his weight is only 5.9 kg and the doc advised is at least 6 kg would be more appropriate. So here we go again...worrying on how to get this little fella to gain some weights.

Actually we are already feeding him on solid foods from Gerber, Heinze, Nestle and Farley's Rusk. He seems to have more appetite on solid food than his Enfalac A+. As long he is eating this stuffs, we are more relief.

Well, since he dislike taking Enfalac A+, so the nurse actually recommended us Promil Gold to give it a try whether JinYu likes it or not. We just have to try it out...running out of ideas to get him sticking the bottle of milk inside his mouth.


  1. Suggestion:
    You may try to mix milk powder with baby yougurt OR mix milk powder with baby food. Your baby need all the vitamins in milk formula, please don't only rely on the solid food.

    Best Favor for my babies:
    Baby food-Banana Favor is the best
    Baby Yogurt-Vannilla & Banana are the best favor

  2. My daughter is 1 year and 10 days and she weighs only 6.5 kg. we r always worried but doctor is saying nothing to worry. I give her formula food only once in a while. I give her home made food and fruits especially banana and mango. I boil rice, lentil, vegetables and dry fruits together and then blend it with sugar and salt. You can try this out. because altho my daughter is underweight her growth rate has been ok. her birth weight was only 1.75kg.
