Countdown to my 3 years old Birthday


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Solid Foods...but not until 1 years old

As JinYu learns to eat more solid foods, be careful what to give him. Because JinYu's immune system is not fully developed, he shouldn't be given the following foods until after his first birthday:
  • Honey - Honey may contain botulism spores, which an adult's immune system can handle, but may be toxic to a baby. Honey is fine if it is baked in foods.
  • Salt - Large quantities of salt or soy sauce can result in salt poisoning or seizures.
  • Wheat or wheat products - Wheat is the most common grain allergen. Most babies can handle wheat (cereal, breads) when they're about 6 to 8 months old, but if you're worried about allergies, it's not a bad idea to wait until after his first birthday.
  • Peanuts and peanut butter - Peanuts are highly allergic (and also a choking hazard). If you or jinyu's father has a peanut allergy, wait until JinYu is at least 3 before giving him peanuts or peanut butter. The same is true for tree nuts such as pecans or walnuts.
  • Cows' milk - Stick with breast milk or formula until after jinyu's first birthday. His body can't digest the protein in cows' milk, it doesn't have all the nutrients he needs, and it contains minerals in amounts that can damage his kidneys.
  • Shellfish - As with peanuts, shellfish is highly allergenic. If you or jinyu's father is allergic to shellfish, wait until jinyu is 3 or 4 before introducing shellfish.
  • Eggs - Cooked egg yolks are fine, but wait until jinyu is one year old before you give him egg whites, which may cause an allergic reaction

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