Countdown to my 3 years old Birthday


Thursday, August 9, 2007

JinYu is Teething

Lately JinYu is avoiding drinking his milk, been crying every night before he goes to sleep, and i believe i can actually fetch a glass filled with his saliva....he is been like changing his bib, handkerchief and also his cloths sometimes. Look at his bibs...we got him..and there is plenty more...wait till i post his handkerchief....(both his grandmama bought for him)

It been a long long 3 weeks that he has been so cranky.

Finally we know that he is now in the mid of teething. There is no set of pattern on when it begins or how long it will take and also how painful it will be. Believe that is really going through a long, drawn out and painful experience. Imagine we tried so many ways to just make this little fella cheerful...seeing him crying out loud..really makes our heart ache and mommy was so worried no matter how you cuddle him, carry him around, listen to music..

Mommy can make him better by cleaning the gums using a cotton bud or a piece of clean gauze after every feeding either breast feeding or on formula milked. To clean the leftover of milk and it also can be a gum massage for the little fella to lesser the pain.

There is a website stated that giving cold water replenish baby's fluid or maybe using cold chilled applesauce, yogurt and pureed peaches. No Idea where this works or not but we still have to try just to make our baby to be more comfortable without the pain he/she is going through.


Here are some teething signs and symptoms;

In a study published in Pediatrics, researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation followed 125 children from their 3-month checkup through their first birthday. They found that during teething, there was a notable increase in:

  • biting

  • drooling

  • gum rubbing

  • sucking

  • irritability

  • wakefulness

  • ear rubbing

  • facial rash

  • decreased appetite

  • mild temperature

No one knows why teething babies produce all that saliva, says Dr. Hanna, but the theory is that the increase of muscle movement in the mouth during this teething period simulates chewing, which activates the salivary glands. (The excess drooling can in turn cause a rash around the mouth.) Biting and gum rubbing are the baby's efforts to relieve pressure in his gums.

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