Countdown to my 3 years old Birthday


Thursday, September 6, 2007

JinYu is 6 months old

Time sure JinYu is already 6 months old. Many have asked what is it like to have a little one in the family...I can only answer it is one of the best things in Mei Ling and my life. And also thank you so much to her for sacrificing....(i know the stress she have to take care of this hyperactive JinYu, worrying about his appetite especially and the frustration overcome patiences when he starts crying)

JinYu's Action

At 6 months, JinYu grasps the concept of object permanence and can remember and search for a missing person or toy. He may become attached and clingy with a parent or caregiver (definitely his grandmother cause she is taking care of him while Mei Ling and I are working) and feel separation anxiety when you are not present. He also can be fearful of strangers. (it was when my father and mother in law came over in the evening, and JinYu didn't recognize them and start crying out loud)

-to be updated more-

JinYu's Appetite
During the 6 months, JinYu have actually change 3 types of formula milk. He started off with Nestle Nan1 then to Enfalac A+ until August where we change his milk to Promil Gold, which we think that he prefers more. (we think that because the Promil Gold is much more sweeter than the others, you all can give it a try)

When he was 4+ months old, we start to feed in on solid foods starting with Farley's Rusk mixing with milk, then we try with baby food like Heinz and Gerber and slowly getting him to try out rice cereal from Nestle. His grandma even did some smashed sweet potato with veges and carrot.


  1. Everything gonna be fine! Little JinYu will sayang his mama & papa ...he knew tat everyone of you have sacrifice a lot..esp his great mama!!! Ganbatte!!!!

  2. Do not worry too much. A child can sense your fear. I know how it feels. It is all learning stage we have to encounter in life! Separation anxiety is very normal but am sure you and your spouse and other family members will get used to it. It is just a phase for Jin Yu. Goodluck with parenting and I wish you all the best! Enjoy every single moment eventhought he cries!
